Chart Wizard Trading is a community of avid traders that use the Elliott Wave Theory in order to predict market direction. This website collates a never ending catalog of information that is accessible to members of the Discord Community. If you aren’t yet a member, feel free to give us a try. A free trial is available for those just exploring their options. Trading the market isn’t easy, if it were, then everyone would do it. It makes it easier to bounce your ideas off of a tried and true community of experienced traders. We welcome all people, young and old, experienced and inexperienced. Be prepared though, our way of doing things is unlike any method of trading the market you’ve tried before. It will take a lot of work and sacrifice to refine your craft. There is no get rich quick scheme. If you are willing to take a learned and disciplined approach to your personal investment journey, with an open mind, then we just might be the best thing that ever happened to you. The best part is, it will cost you absolutely nothing to dip your toes.